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Showing posts with label 摄影随拍. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 摄影随拍. Show all posts

August 17, 2010




September 16, 2009

[报告] V-snaP 913人像摄影外拍 + 后期制作


外拍当天,我到Kelana Jaya和小彭会合,也第一次与一帮博客见面。过后出发去Damansara和其他摄影人和魔豆会合,稍等了一些时刻,我们就往目的地前去。这次外拍地点是位于Damansara未开放的新店铺处,有别于之前我参加过的外拍。

分组拍摄前,由Ah Tak,专业摄影师,分享人像摄影技巧,过后就分组拍摄各自的魔豆,也交换魔豆。外拍结束后,我们一行人出发去The Curve芝麻绿豆享用午餐,接着由James指导后期制作,令我眼睛一亮,学了很多很多photoshop技巧。


V-snaP 913 摄影人

感谢James,Ah Tak的无私分享,感谢小彭!感恩,所有摄影人,所有魔豆!



Ah Tak

September 11, 2009

[分享] 升级Canon 400D软体破解版 - 成功!




我在一台湾论坛看到这个让我差点感动到流泪的好消息。想知道怎样让你的400D追上潮流,能用到ISO3200,点测(spot-metering)和查看快门数(shutter count)吗?
附上教学网站,心痒痒贪新鲜的我也胆粗粗来玩破解游戏。结果呢,破解成功!现在我的大黑价值非凡,ISO值64-3200(虽然知道没什么用途,但是爽啊!),外加spot-metering,拥有zone AF,还能察看shutter count,你说?大黑帅不帅?



Photography on the net

August 1, 2009

[开箱] 苗条白天使 - 白白



白白是日本公司 - Superheadz出产的lomo相机,据说是和Vivitar拿货,改装然后出售,但是价钱比Vivitar便宜了一些(应该吧!)。我花了一百大圆把白白带回家来,从此以后,白白就得乖乖的跟着我找吃!呵呵...

March 10, 2009

茨厂街 | Petaling Street



January 21, 2009

One giant Emperor Moth in my living room!

You guess what, I spotted an Emperor Moth in my living room yesterday. I was so.....excited and surprised by its presence. This was not my first time seeing this giant moth, once I saw them in Cameron Highland Butterfly Park, I even had bought one for my science project and that moth is still at my secondary school science lab (my juniors said), before and after that, I had never see such BIG moth.

According to Encyclopedia of Butterflies, these Emperor Moths are found throughout the world. More than 1000 species are known. The one I spotted last night is Giant Atlas Moth (Attacus atlas imperator) stretches from India, Indonesia and Malaysia to China. They may have a wingspan of 32 cm (which is not exceeded by any other butterfly species). They have eye-spots and transparent windows in the wings to confuse predators and have a very distinctive marking resembling a snake's head on the end of their fore-wing. For more information about these Emperor Moths, you may always Google or Yahoo!

December 9, 2008

[开箱] 佳能 EF-S 50mm F/1.8II 大光圈定焦镜


Canon EF-S 50mm f/1.8II 大光圈定焦镜,小小镜的身体用塑料打造,质感不佳,好在便宜,好用,主攻人像一流



我人生中第一架相机是Olympus mju 725 SW。想当初会买这一架相机是贪它的防水功能,但是用了之后发现除了防水功能外,其他功能,拍出来的照片全都不合我意,一年后,我把它三振出局了。

第二架相机也是DC,换了Panasonic Lumix FX33。会换Panasonic主要因为获得朋友的好评,而且这一次我认真做过调查,发现Lumix FX33拍出来的照片,无论颜色或者素质都十分的好。


第一次和Klickrs一起去街头摄影后,我就彻底地被DSLR征服了。抵不过DSLR的诱惑,我终于把Canon 400d败回家来,加一个18-55mm IS kit lens。自从拥有400D后,几乎都是他和我一起打天下


December 6, 2008

我成长的故乡 - 莫珍歪 2.0


November 14, 2008

Ms Daisy & Mr Bee

Here are few of my shot of Ms Daisy & Mr Bee at taman pertanian. Comments, please! When time goes by, I really wish I have a macro lens...

November 13, 2008

我成长的故乡 - 莫珍歪

前一阵子我回实兆远,然后一个人驱车回去我另一个家乡,我长大的地方,充满我童年回忆的地方-莫珍歪 (Changkat Keruing)。


莫珍歪位于霹雳州曼绒县。这个小乡村位于爱大华和班台之间。穿过村庄的天定河让这个地方生色不少!莫真歪于90年代曾荣获“The Most Beautiful Village”。我记得大人们拿着奖杯,坐在四轮驱动车上环村;前任首相马哈蒂也曾经到访这个小乡村。这里大多数居民是华人,于福州人居多。




你们就将就将就看着这些照片先吧!待我下次回去拍一些乡村景色才和你们分享!Stay tuned!

October 3, 2008

Teluk Batik shot 'n' shot

It was a hot and sunny day, it is time for another photo walk. I went to Teluk Batik with my youngest sister and of course my buddy- 400d. Teluk Batik was crowded, all I can see was people..people..and people, rubbish...rubbish..and rubbish scattered everywhere. Despite that, I am still able to take some pictures.

October 2, 2008


Well, I was back to hometown on this evening, right away I grabbed my camera and cycled to the garden near to my house. Weather was not good, it looked like going to rain anytime, I picked up my pace, hoping that I could at least shot something.

There is a pond in that garden, surrounded by people fishing, I was at the other end, looking for something special or something that would catch my sight. Suddenly something flew into my sight, a lot of red dragonflies flying at the pond bank, immediately I stopped and snap. I manage to get some dragonfly shot,not so good though.

September 21, 2008

Light graffiti

Went to Ampang look out point with FY last Friday, suppose to take KL night view, but discovered with my shaking hand, I can have different effect of light graffiti.

September 20, 2008

Putrajaya through my eyes

I went to Putrajaya alone on Wednesday night, wished I could get few shots. I always amazed with Putrajaya buildings and scene, especially the Putrajaya Bridge. It's just amazing! Photos taken with my Canon 400D without modification. Comments, please!

May 20, 2008

Jungle trek snapshot

I went to jungle trekking again on Sunday when I was back to my hometown, difficulty to trek the mountain rises. I wonder would it be more difficult in the future. The reason of this is because many of the soil/sand had been washout by rain from day to day and the walkway became sloppy. And a lot of roots that was subsoil last time are expose under hot sun now.

Alright, photo time, not much photo to display, just a few of my pick. I hope you enjoy! For more pictures, please visit
my Flickr album.

Sketchout Walk I

Here come some pictures I took using my 'point & shot' Lumix FX-33 during my first sketchout walk with Klickrers. Do give some comments. Feel like buying a DSLR.....arghhh....put it into my wish list, wish I can buy a DSLR by end of this year or next year. I am totally hook up with photography! Haha...

Beside that, these are two of my sketch that I just get it from Prakash. I feel so proud of myself when I look at these sketch, I always say that I have no talent in drawing, in fact, I can draw, not too bad through. If I can, why not you? Hold on to your faith, believe it, and eventually you will success!

I believe that every person is born with talent. ~Maya Angelou quotes (American Poet)