NOTE: 工作中.....

April 28, 2008

泰国 Krabi 游记 - 第一天:期待已久的假期

20-4-2008 (星期日)






大概11点,我们就到候机室,然后登机。Air Asia还挺准时的,只是当时我们得等另外三名迟到的乘客,所以起飞时间延迟了一些些。这一天的天气阴阴地,我的心情也七上八下。飞机飞到空中,往窗外看 去,看到的只是一片又一片的白云,偶尔还有乌云飘过,只差闪电没来。在飞行中,飞机好几次撞入云层,导致飞机摇晃;当它冲出云层的时候,又突然下降,我的 确被吓到了,好险!飞行时间大概1小时20分钟,当地时间中午12:25,我们到达Krabi机场。这短短的飞行时间,怎么我会觉得特别久...呼,平安 无事就好!


Krabi 市镇
盖了入境印章,我们到了Krabi!到行李认领处拿了我们的背包,走出机场就看到一排Transport公司,有巴士,也有私人轿车,只看你口袋里有多少 钱。我们买了一张去Krabi Town的巴士票,然后就到外面去等巴士。害怕语言不通,找不到巴士吗?不怕,你一走出机场,就会有人看到你拿着的票,然后带你去一边等;再不然,你就四 处看看,看谁拿着同一个公司的巴士票,你就在那里等。这一辆巴士从机场去Krabi Town再到Aonang,出发前,司机也会问清楚游客是去什么地方。我发现这里的司机,员工都挺友善,就算语言不通,也不是一个大问题,况且那里大部分 的人都会简单英语。

- Airport --> Krabi town: 90 baht (bus)
- Krabi town --> Aonang: 40 baht (Song Thaew)
- Airport --> Aonang: 150 baht (bus)
* Save 20 baht by taking 2 routes. Drop by Krabi town if you have time.
- Private cab is about 600 baht (if not mistaken)

从机场去Krabi Town大概45分钟,如果你没说明你在那里下巴士,司机会把你们放在Chow Fa Valley Guesthouse,这也是我们的第一站!我们一到那里,驻地导游就出来招呼我们,问我们在找房间吗之类的。我就问了他哪里可以吃到便宜又道地的泰国食 物,他指指里面,说我们这里就有了。我和采就决定先在这里用餐,然后才出发去Krabi Town。两样菜,白饭,fruit shakes,总共吃了240baht,食物不错,但是我们都觉得太多味精了,难怪这么好吃!


出发前,我已经调查了一些活动配套的价钱,问了价钱后,我们决定跟他买两个旅游配套(since他介绍了这么多)。我们买了4 islands (long tail boat)450baht,还有Phi Phi Day Tour 1300baht。过后我们就把行李寄放在旅舍,走路去Krabi Town。由于当天是星期日,许多商店都没有开,我们只是在那里闲逛了半个小时,找到那一个吸引我的古人交通灯,拍了照片,就回去旅舍,准备出发到 Aonang。从Krabi town去Aonang,我们乘搭当地巴士,当地人管这些巴士叫着Song Thaew,另外30分钟旅程,我们来到Aonang。

- 4 islands (long tail) - 450 baht
- 4 islands + Hong island (long tail) - 750 bath (can only get this package at Aonang)
- Phi Phi Day Tour - 1800 baht
* Screw them if they offer you with highest rate! Try your best to nego with them.

Aonang Grand Inn
出发前,我已经订了旅舍,因为舅舅的介绍,再加上价钱便宜,所以我就决定住在这间 Aonang Grand Inn。我们订了双人房,房间里有两张单人床,电视,保险箱,橱,还有附属厕所,一间房一晚只要800baht。


Aonang 沙滩+夜市
整顿好后,我就嚷着要出去走走,顺便找找便宜的旅游配套。我们一走出来,就看到一摊卖旅游配套的摊位,一个牌高高挂在那里写着 "Phi Phi Day Tour 999 baht"。啊...便宜!啊...我们买贵了!一问之下才知道因为雨季来临,而且游客减少,所以很多这些出海配套都降价了以吸引游客。---无语---

我们俩接着到沙滩去胡闹了一会儿,遇到跟我们同一架飞机的旅友,帮他们拍了照,我和采就去夜市走走。胡乱选了一间,我们决定去For Friend Travel & Tour Agency问价钱。起初店员offers我们rafting safari配套2500baht,说不能减了。我们俩就厚着脸皮问如果我们拿多一个kayaking half day呢?到后来,我们以2200 baht/person拿了两个配套!哈哈...第一次减价成功!

- Rafting safari day tour: 2500 baht
- Kayaking at Ao Thalane (half day): 600 baht
- According to the guide at Chow Fa Valley, he said there are 3 package to choose for kayaking, Bor thor, Ao Thalane and Hong Island. He said Bor thor is most interesting coz you can see many ancient wall painting.


当天晚上的晚餐又是泰国餐,我点了炒饭,采叫了类似滑蛋河的面。结账的时候发现,在这里吃东西很贵!一盘炒饭90 baht...

吃饱了是时候逛街了,我们一路走来看到很多美美的雕刻花,这些花都是用肥皂雕刻出来的,价钱不菲,一个竟然叫价100 baht!我们走了很久,突然看到有一个人在街边当众雕刻,而我就抹杀了很多记忆体,还有我的100 baht...你们猜看我买了那一个?



肆吃的我走走下看到烤鱿鱼(2 baht),又诱惑采和我一起买来试试。道地街边小吃,鱿鱼就是一般鱿鱼味(废话!)蘸酱类似rojak酱,配上花生,但是很辣!



泰国 Krabi 游记 - 序

大概在2008年新年前一两个星期吧,亚航 (Air Asia)又推出了100,000张免费机票,一向来不吃亏的我怎么会放过这个大好机会呢?赶快上网查了免费机票的地点和时间,然后把时间和我的时间票对一对,宾果!我找到了免费的来回机票,就在大考过后,而且是去Krabi的机票,我从去年开始就一直想去那里了,太好了!又可以去旅行了!就在我按"enter"前,想想,自己一个人去未免太无聊了,而且应该很难买到便宜的配套...再想想,要找谁一起去呢?我妹?没门,她得上课,而且我和她走的是截然不同的路线,一起去也没意思...再想,还有谁呢?嗯...就找采吧!我和她还算合得来,应该会不错!上MSN看到她正好也在那里,就问了她要不要和我一起去。根据采的描述,当时的我是酱问她的:
一月的某个周日晚上 珊在我 msn 的视窗上摇了一下
珊: 你有护照吗?
采: 有啊.. 但是是新加坡的.. 已经不能用了.. 所以你不用叫我陪你去新加坡.. 呵..
珊: 啊? 可惜.. 我还想叫你去泰国的..
采: (眼前一亮) 是喔? 几时? 我要去!
珊: Air Asia有免费机票.. 四月我们放假的时候去..
采: 让我想一想.. 我迟几天再告诉你..
珊: 要快咧.. 订票期限要到了..
采: 哦.. 好啦.. 不用想了.. 我要跟你一起去!
珊: 好.. 那我现在去订..
珊: 有两个选择, 你要20号去25 号回还是 25 号去30 号回?
采: the earlier the better?
珊: the earlier the merrier..
采: 达成共识.. 好.. 那就20号咯..



April 27, 2008

Exciting holiday

I was back from PD this afternoon to KL, then we (my mom, sis, grandmom & I) went for a dinner before we make a move to Sitiawan, my hometown. So, now I am in my hometown, who ever want to meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner can call me or text me, or just a cup of tea. I will try to make it....just try. I am too tired, I am craving for a good sleep.

Came back from Krabi last Friday then straight away go to PD the next morning, didn't sleep well through after I came back from that jet lag or post holiday blues or just simply tired? Impossible for jet lag, only 1 hour different, not abig deal. Definitely not post holiday blues, I am still on holiday! Haha...Conclusion, I am simply tired! It seems like my energies and strength had been used up fully during Krabi trip, totally exhausted! Anyway, this 2 weeks holiday is really sounds!

Planning to go Pulau Perhentian the coming June. This year of rat is fabulous for me! Be able to travel around, feel great! Hope to plan more travel...wuahahaha!

P.S. I can't connect to wireless with my own computer whereby all of my pictures are inside, thus no travel log for these two days! Sorry~

April 25, 2008

I am back from Krabi

Left M'sia for about 6 days, now I'm back! Krabi trip was fun. We able to witnessed Nemo aka clown fishes, and some other creatures under the sea. Beaches are full with fine and rough sands, greenish blue sea, with amazing scene. It was truly breath-taking!

I like the most is snorkeling somewhere near Phi Phi, the water is clear and I were able to see different fishes and corals under the sea. It's amazing! The most unforgettable is been able to witnessed Nemo (live) under the sea (not in aquarium nor cartoon, lol). The weather was humid and hot, the sun was killing and it burned my shoulder. One last thing I would never forget, Cai was sting by a small lizard which cause pain and swollen.

Generally, it is unforgettable memories! Now it's time for pictures! Shan & Cai Krabi Trip 2008!

Captured @ Ao Nang Beach, Krabi

Follow by the BIG SMILE from Maya Boy~

Captured @ Maya Bay, Krabi

Then, Nemo & daddy say Hello!

Captured @ Tuk Island, Krabi

Fishes under the sea near Phi Phi

Common transport-long tail boat. It can be seen everywhere in Krabi.

One of my favorite picture, Krabi long tail boat.

Holiday hasn't end yet, will go to PD tomorrow with fellow CSers aka friends. For those who don't know what PD is, PD stands for Port Dickson. That's means more travel logs will be written.

双峰塔天桥 | KLCC Skybridge

出发去Krabi前,我和朋友去了双峰塔(KLCC)的天空之桥(skybridge)和水 族馆(aquarium)。去年不经意知道了skybridge是开放给民众参观的,而且免费;但是必须很早去排队拿票,我就一直想去看看。这样一想,就 想了大概一年才成行!再加上我和采在MATTA Fair买了水族馆的票,趁着这个时候,我们去KLCC看看咯!

当 天早上我们大概7.15am从康乐出发,由于是上班时间,我们等了很久才等到一辆德士,去LRT station短短10分钟的路程走了大概半个小时,到达KLCC的时候已经接近9点了。我还真是紧张,担心拿不到票,但是那天出奇好运,我们到的时候没 什么人在排队,但是我们还是拿了12.30pm的票,可见票是多么快派完叻。拿了票过后就到星巴克填肚子,而这一坐就坐走了3个小时。

KLCC Skybridge
12.15pm, 我们拿了票排队等待进入天空之桥,查票后,工作人员会分给每个人不同颜色的登入证,拿到相同颜色的代表在同一组,每一次都有规定人数上去 skybridge,可能担心天桥承受不了太多的重量吧!在参观skybridge前,我们在视听室看了一部关于petronas公司和KLCC的简 介,3D的哦!

然后跟着组别,排队,经过security check,进入电梯,登上41楼!欢迎来到skybridge!拒工作人员说,skybridge的两端都不是直接连着KLCC两栋楼,两者之间有着一些距离,所以刮大风的时候那座桥会摇晃。


从 skybridge下来,那里有一些presentation,最吸引我们的是益智游戏,Yanty和采破解了其中两个,不错叻!蛮有趣的,你也可以去试 试!其中我觉得最有趣的是把两片准备好的木条拼成一座金字塔。过后我们出去拍了一些照片,Yanty必须先离开,我和采就继续我们的水族馆之旅!

Visit Information
Visit Days: Tuesday to Sunday (closed on Monday)
Visit Hours: From 9 am to 7 pm (closed for Friday Prayer from 1pm to 2:30pm)
Issuance of Tickets: From 8:30 am daily except Monday

1. Get off earlier to get your ticket.
2. Go there on clear day.
3. Make sure you get the same color of pass as your friends so that all of you will be in the same group.
4. Try the brain-storming games and crack your brain!

Continue to KLCC Aquarium

April 18, 2008

Holiday is here

Soon after exam yesterday, I cleaned up my room (only). Be able to stay and sleep in a clean room is definitely different than staying in a messy room. My mom called when I was doing cleaning job, she was so surprise I wasn't sleeping that day. Usually I will sleep for day and night soon after last paper to replenish energies I lost during exam period. At night, I went for dinner together with Huey Chai and she told me there is a graduation recital at school presented by Elaine Toon which is one of the best player from School of Music according to music students, so I went but I slept during her performance. I know this is kind of being rude to the player, but not to omit those musics were so great and so relax plus I was so tired ended up I slept.

The first day of holiday, I went to KLCC with Huey Chai and Yanty. This was the day trip we (Chai and I, Yanty join in later) decided to go month ago when we bought the cheaper KLCC aquarium ticket from MATTA fair. Since we have been there so I suggested why not we go to KLCC skybridge? I am Malaysian but I never been to skybridge or I should say I never know it is open for public before until someone told me last year. And guess what, it's FREE of charge! So dudes, pay a visit to KLCC skybridge! After that, I went to aquarium with Chai then the day tour came to the end. I will post up a new entry particularly for the KLCC tour. Stay tuned!

And there is another thing you wouldn't imagine and wouldn't believe, probably you will react like my brother, "Huh, are you the Melisa that I know? Or something went wrong? Did I just hear something wrong?" No, you are not! God had brought me back to him. I praised god, praised him for bringing me back, for leading me a way which I was looking for, for giving me peaceful mind and soul. And I am grateful to know a bunch of good sisters and brothers which offer a lots of helps and being supportive. And for your information, I am going City Harvest Church in KL, if you see me there, drop by to say 'Hi'! God blesses!

By the way, I will be going to Krabi, Thailand this coming Sunday and will be back on Friday. No updates during these 5 days and I am sure I have a lot of things to share with you after that.

April 16, 2008




April 14, 2008

Engku Busu Mt., Lumut

If not mistaken, it was somewhere end of 2006 or earlier 2007. Justin, my sis and I went jungle trekking at Engku Busu Mt. That was consider my first trekking, if the stupid walking 'trekking' experience in Teluk Batik aged ago when I was participating a so called youth camp didn't counted. Such an idiotic camp that I had ever join!

So, that morning we went for jungle trekking, and we took around 45 minutes to 1 hour to get to the peak (whereby Mr Justin told me that I am able to see breath-taking scene and asked me to hold on but I didn't seen one after that), Hooray! (Ceh...only 300m nia...) Well, for Melisa-used-to-be, it was the greatest record I had ever achieved! For me, if I go alone, I wouldn't have make it to the peak, but Justin and my sis gave me a lot encouragements and of course badly sarcasms, I appreciated that, anyway I am waiting for chances to pay back. Thanks dude, between I will make sure you won't expose my ugly and exhausted look!

Somewhere around June 2007, I dragged my sister together to go trekking, since I go to gym constantly after that exhausted trekking, and obviously my stamina getting better. I used 30 minutes get to the peak. Nothing special to describe, not the trek nor mt, but this time was difficult than first trek due to the rain, and the path was much more sloppy than last time. Overall it was fun and what more? Nature is great! I am falling in love with nature. So, anyone would like to join me for the next trek?


今天早上考了Human Nutrition(人类营养?),看到考题的时候,我的反应是“哇,有没有搞错?酱容易?”
6题short essay两题是之前考过的,其他四题也是一些比较简单的theory & thiking

April 11, 2008

挣救海马行动 | Opt. SOS

几个月前我收到Save our seahorses组织发出的奖状,很怀念那两天一夜的活动,对我来说,一切都是那么新奇!




April 7, 2008






Pasar Malam一双鞋才卖25大元?还是我误解你了?原来你是卖偷来的二手鞋维生啊?哟...你还真是勤劳耶!




April 4, 2008

Travel alone? No problem!

Well, everything went to the end, I was back to the hectic, fast pace city...kinda felt like staying away from all the troubles, problems, and hectic life and just give myself a long long long vacation, sounds great, isn't it? Holiday was too relax and I had so much fun. Some how I feel really hard to go back to the ridiculous busy life. Isn't this what known as traveler's common failing?

I invited some friends to read my blog, and there is one feedback I will definitely get is: You are so amazing, you went travel ALONE? Alright, I know in some way I amazed you, but not only I travel alone, there is a lot of them outside, don't you see? And what's wrong if I travel alone? Girl can't travel alone? Or you feel that girl encountered higher risk when travel alone? Is that mean you cut down the risk or not risky if travel with somebody else?

Yes, I agree in some way, travel in group would be safer than travel alone. But travel in a group without a common sense and sense of danger, it ends up worst than travel alone, do you get what I mean? I still remember one of my travel buddy told me, traveler should have 2 sense, common sense and sense of danger. One could cut down the risk to the minimum if you carry these two senses with you. Common sense, it's common, right? What to do? what to avoid? how to reduce the risk? These are all common sense! Of course you are aimed if you go out street alone in the middle of night! I will rob you if I see you too...haha (joking..joking)

This seems like a bit nagging, long passage. Cut the crap, girls travel alone isn't a dream! You can make it as I did and some other girls did. Go for your dream! Don't be hesitate, time would not wait for you! Go for it, dear~

I hope to read your blog someday, all of you! Oh ya...before I forgot, I will write my Penang trip as soon as possible. Pray hard for me ya! lol





有人说 “骑脚车环游世界的人都是神经病!”


April 1, 2008


真的得大大声的叹一口气....呼.... 终于把这个学期的课业都搞定了,
接下去,还有为期一个星期的实验, 然后大考!


