NOTE: 工作中.....

May 4, 2007

一个人的旅途 - 第八天:出发去马六甲

30-4-2007 (星期一)

星期一早上,我搭了巴士往吉隆坡 (RM18.80) 去,在吉隆坡草草地用完午餐,就转巴士 (RM9.50) 到马六甲去。在马六甲车站搭了一辆本地巴士 (RM0.80) 前往马六甲市镇。到达马六甲市镇的时候,时间已经不早了,我步行到 Tony's Guesthouse。Tony's Guesthouse 是一间很引人注目,很有个性的一间Guesthouse。

A charming, colorful guest house not far from the center of town, Tony's is a testament to what can be achieved with a little imagination and a personal touch. This is an excellent budget option with eight brightly painted, fan-cooled rooms and shared bathrooms above a great little cafe.
You might guess from the rooms named after Thai islands that the owner is a bit of a traveller himself. Indeed, Tony Chao's personality is everywhere - in the little knick-knacks and paintings in the common areas upstairs and in the cafe downstairs, where he serves up excellent Asian and Western food and a decent coffee. It's peaceful, homely and secure - a good option for any shoe stringers traveling with kids. Tony will pick guests up from the bus station for free if they call ahead. ~Lonely Planet

过了马路和一座桥后就是鸡场街(Jonker Street)。Jonker Street有很多老店,卖很多古董,在这里你可能会找到宝哦!当然这里不缺乏旅游胜地,古迹。




我在Jonker Street“古城”吃了鸡饭粒。因为出发之前没有好好搜查马六甲的资料,所以就胡乱的选了一间不获好评的店。即将出发去马六甲的朋友们,吃鸡饭粒不要选古城啦!

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