Soon after exam yesterday, I cleaned up my room (only). Be able to stay and sleep in a clean room is definitely different than staying in a messy room. My mom called when I was doing cleaning job, she was so surprise I wasn't sleeping that day. Usually I will sleep for day and night soon after last paper to replenish energies I lost during exam period. At night, I went for dinner together with Huey Chai and she told me there is a graduation recital at school presented by Elaine Toon which is one of the best player from School of Music according to music students, so I went but I slept during her performance. I know this is kind of being rude to the player, but not to omit those musics were so great and so relax plus I was so tired ended up I slept.
The first day of holiday, I went to KLCC with Huey Chai and Yanty. This was the day trip we (Chai and I, Yanty join in later) decided to go month ago when we bought the cheaper KLCC aquarium ticket from MATTA fair. Since we have been there so I suggested why not we go to KLCC skybridge? I am Malaysian but I never been to skybridge or I should say I never know it is open for public before until someone told me last year. And guess what, it's FREE of charge! So dudes, pay a visit to KLCC skybridge! After that, I went to aquarium with Chai then the day tour came to the end. I will post up a new entry particularly for the KLCC tour. Stay tuned!
And there is another thing you wouldn't imagine and wouldn't believe, probably you will react like my brother, "Huh, are you the Melisa that I know? Or something went wrong? Did I just hear something wrong?" No, you are not! God had brought me back to him. I praised god, praised him for bringing me back, for leading me a way which I was looking for, for giving me peaceful mind and soul. And I am grateful to know a bunch of good sisters and brothers which offer a lots of helps and being supportive. And for your information, I am going City Harvest Church in KL, if you see me there, drop by to say 'Hi'! God blesses!
By the way, I will be going to Krabi, Thailand this coming Sunday and will be back on Friday. No updates during these 5 days and I am sure I have a lot of things to share with you after that.
HAppy Holiday!!
Enjoy ur trip to Krabi, share us your nice photos...ok?
enjoy your holidays, my fren :)
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