NOTE: 工作中.....

April 4, 2008

Travel alone? No problem!

Well, everything went to the end, I was back to the hectic, fast pace city...kinda felt like staying away from all the troubles, problems, and hectic life and just give myself a long long long vacation, sounds great, isn't it? Holiday was too relax and I had so much fun. Some how I feel really hard to go back to the ridiculous busy life. Isn't this what known as traveler's common failing?

I invited some friends to read my blog, and there is one feedback I will definitely get is: You are so amazing, you went travel ALONE? Alright, I know in some way I amazed you, but not only I travel alone, there is a lot of them outside, don't you see? And what's wrong if I travel alone? Girl can't travel alone? Or you feel that girl encountered higher risk when travel alone? Is that mean you cut down the risk or not risky if travel with somebody else?

Yes, I agree in some way, travel in group would be safer than travel alone. But travel in a group without a common sense and sense of danger, it ends up worst than travel alone, do you get what I mean? I still remember one of my travel buddy told me, traveler should have 2 sense, common sense and sense of danger. One could cut down the risk to the minimum if you carry these two senses with you. Common sense, it's common, right? What to do? what to avoid? how to reduce the risk? These are all common sense! Of course you are aimed if you go out street alone in the middle of night! I will rob you if I see you too...haha (joking..joking)

This seems like a bit nagging, long passage. Cut the crap, girls travel alone isn't a dream! You can make it as I did and some other girls did. Go for your dream! Don't be hesitate, time would not wait for you! Go for it, dear~

I hope to read your blog someday, all of you! Oh ya...before I forgot, I will write my Penang trip as soon as possible. Pray hard for me ya! lol


haan said...

haha, u know i will never disagree with your point of view :)

小衫 said...

lol...I always know you will have my back! Haha :D

Justin YSS said...

Good Luck in exams~ :)

Më| §zë said...

next time i wanna go traveling with you... ;P

小衫 said...

Thanks! You too, take good care~

Mei Sze,
Welcome to join me (or my team). Haha..I had poisoned several friends to join me. lol

haan said...

hey JS, having holiday after your exam? i'm having a voucher for AA flight KL-Bangkok-KL. only free flight ticket. u still need to pay for airport tax, should be around RM200+.

it's valid till end of May. I don't think I have time to go. If you are interested and have time, maybe I can pass it to u.. lemme know...

小衫 said...

I have booked my ticket to Krabi on 20th to 25th.