NOTE: 工作中.....

June 28, 2008


I am waiting, and wondering,
again waiting, and wondering more,
I started to doubt who I am?

Everything around me seems vague,
and I barely recognize myself...
How pathetic to ask who am I?

I keep on waiting, and doubt,
everything begins to fade away...
By the time, I am still who I am.


Më| §zë said...

hey hey...
don't doubt yourself...
sometimes there are dark clouds, but they will clear and you'll see the blue sky...
you are who you are... =] and i don't wanna trade you for another person...

Anonymous said...

are you in trouble or something???
sounds like each post of urs is emo recently... :S

"i started to doubt who i am"
Lesbian r?? jk.. hehe

"Who am I"
you are the one and only Melisa Pang Jiun Shan i know.. haha.. stupid reply i know..