NOTE: 工作中.....

July 12, 2009

Are you balance?

I learn that life should be balance for personally, family, work/study and spiritually at church yesterday evening. I took a questionnaire designed by staffs of CHCKL, and I think it is fun to share with all of you here! Please answer truthfully!

5 - Almost always true
4 - Frequently true
3 - Occasionally true
2 - Seldom true
1 - Almost never true

Please answer each and every questions below with score given above.

1. I love my life.
2. I always feel tired when I think about working/studying.
3. I come to church/temple/mosque because I have to.
4. I remember my friends' birthday.
5. Communication is lacking between me and my family members.
6. I have time to do something fun - something just for me every week.
7. I have problem finishing my work or assignments.
8. I will not volunteer myself to serve (in church etc.) unless when my leaders asked me to.
9. I call up my friends to catch up with them.
10. It seems that I am always scheduled for something.
11. I have a healthy exercise program.
12. I feel like I have little or no control over my work/study life.
13. I think I am spending too much time in ministry (in church etc).
14. I will make friends with everybody regarless of education background, culture, race or religion.
15. I've missed many of my family's important events because of work-related time pressures and responsibilities.
16. Reading is part of my lifestyle.
17. I feel as though I've lost sight of who I am and why I choose this job/field of study.
18. I can't meet my leaders' expectation when it comes to serving (in church etc).
19. I have a supportive network of friends who encourage me to live my ideal life.
20. Someone close to me have recently told me that I am overwhelmed in certain areas and neglecting my family.

Total up the score of each items on the questionnaire. For example, adding up each score of Q1, Q6, Q11 and Q16, and the total number is your score for "Self".

1, 6, 11, 16
2, 7, 12, 17
Ministry (Religious Life):
3, 8, 13, 18
Social life: 4, 9, 14, 19
Family: 5, 10, 15, 20


< 7: Bad, need intense care
8 - 14: Need improvement
15 - 20: Balance

1 - 6: Good
7 - 13: Average, need attention
14 - 20: Bad, you need to do something!


I need to improve in my study life, ministry, social life and my relationship with my family members. How about you? After you have finished this questionnaire, you are welcome to share your result with me!


Huey Chai said...

i got 18 for self; 8 for work / study; 5 for ministry (religious life); 16 for social life; and 11 for family..
i still don't understand.. for question no. 4, "i remember my friends' birthday", ya, i do, and i get 5 points.. that category, the lower the better? how come?

小衫 said...

< 7: Bad, need intense care
8 - 14: Need improvement
15 - 20: Balance

The social life categories, the highest the better! haha..